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 ASTM963-07 美國玩具安全測試標準更新要點

4.5  Sound-producing toys 產生聲音的玩具
二) 范圍
包括:   Toys designed to produce sound 打算發聲的玩具
Examples of toys specifically designed to produce sound   特定設計上打算發聲的玩具例子:
1) Electronic toys that play music or sound effects    播放音樂或聲音效果的電子玩具
A)Toy cell phone that beeps      嘟嘟響的玩具
B)Toy car with a siren          帶有警報器的玩具車
2) Talking plush toys and dolls   說話的毛絨玩具和娃娃
3) Caps     玩具帽

−        mouth actuated toys   口動玩具
−        toys dependent on muscular action of the child  依靠兒童肌肉力量大小發聲的玩具
−        radios, CD/tape players, and headphones  收音機, CD機/磁帶機, 和耳機    squeeze toys  壓玩具
Examples of toys not specifically designed to emit sound     特定不打算發聲的玩具例子:
–        Rolling toys where the wheels make sound by contacting other surfaces 
          A)R/C vehicles, track sets, pull toys     遙控車,軌道車,拖拉玩具
–        Sounds from motors, gears, and clutches of motorized toys 
–        Other toys -> doors opening/closing, projectiles launching, balls or blocks falling in shape sorters, etc.  其它玩具->門的開合聲,彈射物發射聲,球或塊落入形狀積木的聲音,等等.
三)        Measurement distance increased to 50 cm  測量距離增加到 50 cm
四)        要求This requires the existing decibel level requirements to be adjusted to the new 50 cm measurement distance .由現有的分貝水平要求調整到新的50 cm 測量距離的要求
Toy Category    F963-2003(25 cm)   F963-2003 (Converted to 50 cm)       F963-2007 (50 cm)Difference
Close-to-the-ear toys (continuous sound)        70 dB        64 dB        65 dB        1 dB
Close-to-the-ear toys (impulsive sound)        n/a        n/a        95 dB        n/a
Toys other than close-to-the-ear  (continuous sound)        90 dB        84 dB        85 dB        1 dB
Toys other than close-to-the-ear / not explosive action (impulsive sound)120 dB        114 dB        115 dB        1 dB
Percussion caps and other explosive-type sounds (impulsive sound)        CFR        n/a        125 dB        n/a

五)     測試方法
8.20     Tests for Toys which Produce Noise 發聲玩具的測試
        Measurement distance changed to 50 cm  測量距離改變為 50 cmn
        Measurement box used to position microphone on most toys instead ofn
            directly in front of sound  source 
Both changes increase alignment with EN71-1   改變或增加都與EN71-1一致
      Notable differences to EN71-1  與EN71-1的顯著差別n
        4.5 - Requirements specified separay for continuous and    impulsive sounds
                4.5 – 分別說明連續聲音和脈沖聲音的要求
– (2) 

– (4) – “…reflecting plane (for example, concrete, tile, or other hard surface)          
– (1)
       n Close-to-the-ear toys measured at 50 cm, not 2.5 cm   近耳玩具的測量距離是50 cm, 不是2.5 cm
       less than 0.00150 in. (0.03810 mm) shall be perforated with defined holes so that a minimum of 1 % of the area has been removed over any area of 1.18 x1.18 in. (30 x 30 mm).
平均厚度小于0.00150英寸(0.03810毫米)的薄膜應打孔,使得在任意1.18英寸x1.18英寸(30毫米x30毫 米)的面積上打有占總面積1%的孔.

4.14  Cords, Straps, and Elastics 繩,帶和橡皮筋
Section title changed to include “straps”  標題中新增”帶”n
Definition of strapn added to definitions section  定義的條款中新增帶的定義
   strap—a piece of flexible material in which the width is significantly greater than the thickness.
帶 – 一塊寬度明顯大于厚度的柔軟材料.
Definition of “tangle or form a loop” added to definitions section  定義的條款中新增”纏繞或形成一個繩套”
tangle or form a loop—loops that are formed by reasonably foreseeable manipulation of the   cord/strap/elastic. Loops that are formed by excessive or intricate manipulations, or both, of the cord/strap/elastic shall be considered as exempt.
纏繞或形成一個繩套- 通過對繩/帶/彈性繩合理可預見的操作而形成的繩套. 通過對繩/帶/彈性繩過多的和/或復雜的操作而形成的繩套是被豁免的.
Section 4.14.1 added to address break-away features  n 條款4.14.1中新增允許有分離扣裝置.
      this was inadvertently left out of the F963-03 version of the standard.
Section 8.23.1 added to give guidance on how to apply the probe ton elastics
New fixture referenced 引用新的夾具n
4.37  Hemispheric-shaped objects 半球形物體
New paragraph added 4.37.6 (e)    4.37.6(e)中新增段落
     –Provides the option of have one larger hole rather than two smaller holes

4.38  Yo-Yo Elastic Tether Toys 系彈性繩的悠悠球
一)New requirements for yo-yo balls 增加悠悠球的新要求
Applicable to:要求:
–Toys with an end mass greater than 0.02 kg (0.04 lb) shall have cord length less than 50 cm (20 in.) measured when rotating at 80 r/min.
二)8.24 Yo-Yo Elastic Tether Toy Test Methods系彈性繩的悠悠球的測試方法
Rotate in a horizontal plane to 80 rpm  在水平面旋轉達到80轉每分鐘
Measure length without counting mass and loop  測量繩的長度,不計算末端部件或固定端繩套

4.39        Magnets 磁石
New requirements for magnets on toys 3 – 8 years    新增對3-8歲兒童玩具上的磁石要求
Not applicable to: 不適用于:
motors, relays, speakers, electrical components, and similar devices where the magnetic properties are not part of the play pattern of the toy  馬達,繼電器,喇叭,電動元件和類似的裝置,當其磁石不作為玩具玩耍功能一部分的情況。
As-received hazardous magnets and as-received hazardous magnetic components are subject to labeling requirements  接收狀態已有危險磁石和危險磁石部件應滿足警告語要求
Liberated hazardous magnets and liberated hazardous magnetic components are not allowed 測試后松脫出危險磁石和危險磁石部件是不可接受的.
What is a hazardous magnet or magnetic comp 什么是危險磁石和磁石部件
A magnet, or component with an imbedded magnet, that has a flux index greater than 50  And
一個磁石,或含有內嵌磁石的部件,磁通量指數大于50 和
Fits entirely in one of the following shapes:  落入以下形狀尺寸中之一的
尺寸 : D直徑(<11mm ) X L 長度( <32mm ) ;
              D直徑(<26mm ) X L 長度( <5mm ) ; 或  D 直徑 < 22mm .

If as-received, the following warning is required:  如果是接收狀態,需要如下警告語:
This product contains (a) small magnet(s).  Swallowed magnets can stick together across intestines causing serious infections and death. Seek immediate medical attention if magnet(s) are swallowed or inhaled.
Multiply the area of the pole surface (mm2) of the magnet by the suare of the maximum flux density (kg2) zui大流量密度的平方(kg²)乘以極面積(mm²)
8.25 Magnetic Flux Index 磁通量指數
Use specified gauss meter to measure flux-index  用的高斯計測量磁通量指數
Measure magnetic components with the magnet still in the component
Measure pole area of the magnet  測量磁石的極面積
Remove the magnet from magnetic components to measure the pole area
Calculate the flux index  計算磁通量指數
   Both changes increase alignment with EN71-1   改變或增加都與EN71-1一致
      Notable differences to EN71-1  與EN71-1的顯著差別n
        4.5 - Requirements specified separay for continuous and    impulsive sounds
                4.5 – 分別說明連續聲音和脈沖聲音的要求
– (2) 

– (4) – “…reflecting plane (for example, concrete, tile, or other hard surface)          
– (1)
       n Close-to-the-ear toys measured at 50 cm, not 2.5 cm   近耳玩具的測量距離是50 cm, 不是2.5 cm
        If the toy has an earpiece, the earpiece is oriented towards then microphone  
            如果玩具有一個聽筒, 讓聽筒朝向麥克風.
4.12  Packaging Film  包裝薄膜
Perforations now allowed as an alternative to minimum thickness  現在允許打孔作為zui小厚度的另一個選擇
Alternatively, sheeting with an average thickness of less than 0.00150 in. (0.03810 mm) shall be perforated with defined holes so that a minimum of 1 % of the area has been removed over any area of 1.18 x1.18 in. (30 x 30 mm).
平均厚度小于0.00150英寸(0.03810毫米)的薄膜應打孔,使得在任意1.18英寸x1.18英寸(30毫米x30毫 米)的面積上打有占總面積1%的孔.

4.14  Cords, Straps, and Elastics 繩,帶和橡皮筋
Section title changed to include “straps”  標題中新增”帶”n
Definition of strapn added to definitions section  定義的條款中新增帶的定義
   strap—a piece of flexible material in which the width is significantly greater than the thickness.
   帶 – 一塊寬度明顯大于厚度的柔軟材料.
Definition of “tangle or form a loop” added to definitions section  定義的條款中新增”纏繞或形成一個繩套”
tangle or form a loop—loops that are formed by reasonably foreseeable manipulation of the   cord/strap/elastic. Loops that are formed by excessive or intricate manipulations, or both, of the cord/strap/elastic shall be considered as exempt.
纏繞或形成一個繩套- 通過對繩/帶/彈性繩合理可預見的操作而形成的繩套. 通過對繩/帶/彈性繩過多的和/或復雜的操作而形成的繩套是被豁免的.
Section 4.14.1 added to address break-away features  n 條款4.14.1中新增允許有分離扣裝置.
      this was inadvertently left out of the F963-03 version of the standard.
Section 8.23.1 added to give guidance on how to apply the probe ton elastics
New fixture referenced 引用新的夾具n

4.37  Hemispheric-shaped objects 半球形物體
New paragraph added 4.37.6 (e)    4.37.6(e)中新增段落
     –Provides the option of have one larger hole rather than two smaller holes

4.38  Yo-Yo Elastic Tether Toys 系彈性繩的悠悠球
一)New requirements for yo-yo balls 增加悠悠球的新要求
Applicable to:要求:
–Toys with an end mass greater than 0.02 kg (0.04 lb) shall have cord length less than 50 cm (20 in.) measured when rotating at 80 r/min.
二)8.24 Yo-Yo Elastic Tether Toy Test Methods系彈性繩的悠悠球的測試方法
Rotate in a horizontal plane to 80 rpm  在水平面旋轉達到80轉每分鐘
Measure length without counting mass and loop  測量繩的長度,不計算末端部件或固定端繩套

4.39        Magnets 磁石
New requirements for magnets on toys 3 – 8 years    新增對3-8歲兒童玩具上的磁石要求
Not applicable to: 不適用于:
motors, relays, speakers, electrical components, and similar devices where the magnetic properties are not part of the play pattern of the toy  馬達,繼電器,喇叭,電動元件和類似的裝置,當其磁石不作為玩具玩耍功能一部分的情況。
As-received hazardous magnets and as-received hazardous magnetic components are subject to labeling requirements  接收狀態已有危險磁石和危險磁石部件應滿足警告語要求
Liberated hazardous magnets and liberated hazardous magnetic components are not allowed 測試后松脫出危險磁石和危險磁石部件是不可接受的.
What is a hazardous magnet or magnetic comp 什么是危險磁石和磁石部件
A magnet, or component with an imbedded magnet, that has a flux index greater than 50  And
一個磁石,或含有內嵌磁石的部件,磁通量指數大于50 和
Fits entirely in one of the following shapes:  落入以下形狀尺寸中之一的
尺寸 : D直徑(<11mm ) X L 長度( <32mm ) ;
              D直徑(<26mm ) X L 長度( <5mm ) ; 或  D 直徑 < 22mm .

If as-received, the following warning is required:  如果是接收狀態,需要如下警告語:
This product contains (a) small magnet(s).  Swallowed magnets can stick together across intestines causing serious infections and death. Seek immediate medical attention if magnet(s) are swallowed or inhaled.
8.25 Magnetic Flux Index 磁通量指數
Use specified gauss meter to measure flux-index  用的高斯計測量磁通量指數
Measure magnetic components with the magnet still in the component
Measure pole area of the magnet  測量磁石的極面積
Remove the magnet from magnetic components to measure the pole area
Calculate the flux index  計算磁通量指數
Multiply the area of the pole surface (mm2) of the magnet by the square of the maximum flux density (kg2) zui大流量密度的平方(kg²)乘以極面積(mm²)

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